Vote Rewards

Voting for our network on server lists is a great way for you to support us. Voting helps us to grow and attract more players to the network. Besides, we give you nice things for doing it 🙂

You must join our Survival Server /survival
in order to receive your rewards.

For each vote you get:

  • 8 tokens to use anywhere on the network.
  • $50 in survival's economy.
    Tokens can also be exchanged for additional $$ on survival at /warp bank

Plus Bonus Rewards:

  • A 1 in 10 chance to get 10 extra tokens
  • A 1 in 50 chance to get 25 extra tokens
  • Passing 100, 200 or 500 votes gets a bonus $1000
  • Passing 1000 votes gets an Elytra in survival
  • Passing 1500 and 2000 votes gets 4 Netherite Ingots in survival
  • Passing 5k votes gets 64 dirt in survival
  • Passing 10k votes gets 64 'Premium Dirt' in survival

Vote Links

These links will open in separate tabs.

Click Here to vote on

Click Here to vote on

Click Here to vote on

Click Here to vote on

Click Here to vote on

Click Here to vote on

Non-Reward Sites

These sites don't give any vote rewards, but you can still vote to help us out:

Click Here to vote on

Click Here to vote on

Click Here to vote on

Click Here to vote on

Click Here to vote on

Click Here to vote on