1.13 Update – Not long to go…

Posted on August 4, 2018 by TheClowner

As we’ve already announced, we will be updating this coming Monday (6th August 2018).

We will need to take the network offline in the process, as we backup and then update the network. All of the Minecraft servers will be offline from 1pm BST (8am EDT) on Monday, and will remain down until the work is complete. We expect to be complete by the end of Tuesday.

This update takes significantly longer than previous ones since in order to keep access to the existing worlds we need to upgrade them to the new minecraft version – and this takes a lot of time for big worlds (we’re forcing it all to upgrade at once so that it doesn’t cause lag once we’re all done).


If you’re not aware of what all is changing in this update…. below is a summary:

We’re updating in two waves as it were, updating to 1.13 and launching some new features on Monday, and then finishing off the last few bits and launching any remaining new things about three weeks later on Monday 27th August.

»» Things happening on Monday ««


  • Survival’s worlds will be reset.
    • We will be launching two new worlds for building – one completely vanilla, and one with custom biomes.
    • We will also be generating a new Nether, End and Explore world.
    • You will still be able to access the old world in order to transfer items.
    • We will try to provide a world download, but cannot guarantee that it’ll work since the world is big (like 26GB) – so we highly recommend using a world downloader mod to download any builds you want a copy of. 
    • The new worlds will start with a smaller world border of 8k by 8k, which will be expanded in the future.
    • The Nether End and Explore may be disabled in this time to prevent lag while running the new and old worlds together.
  • We will be launching a new survival spawn, along with most of the server warps
    • It’s built following a British city style, and features 32 rentable shops, an underground railway, a zoo, manor house and gardens alongside all the warps you’d expect and more…
    • Some of the building may remain closed until a little after the update as we put the finishing touches on everything.
  • We’ll also be increasing the number of homes each rank can use, to help accommodate the two worlds – Player will now have 3 homes, Stone 5, Bronze 10, Diamond 25, Aztec 50, Modern+ Unlimited.
  • The phantom will be disabled in survival, it’s drops will be sold in the server shop and token shop.


  • Creative will keep its current worlds, and remain pretty much exactly as it is now – just with access to the new blocks and features.


  • The world border will be extended to generate new chunks for the new oceans.
  • We will introduce a better sleeping mechanic, so that you aren’t reliant on every player going to bed to skip the night and avoid the phantom attacking.


  • We’re going to slightly adjust how you join the network – by default new players will join the hub, and then joining with clownercraft.net or play.clownercraft.net will just take you to the last server you were on.
    • As with now, please remember you can join individual servers directly by using the IPs below:
      • Survival – survival.clownercraft.net
      • Creative – creative.clownercraft.net
      • PureSurvival – pure.clownercraft.net

»» Things happening in three weeks ««
(around Monday 27th August)


  • The old world will be removed
  • The new Nether End and Explore worlds will open.
  • Survival’s economy will reset
  • The new server shop will open, and you’ll be able to rent one of the new rentable shops.
  • Our new rank examples warp will open
  • You will be able to exchange some tokens for $$$. (the details of how this will work are not finalised quite yet)


  • Vote rewards will move to be given out when joining the hub server.
  • Votes will now only give you tokens.
    • The new vote rewards are:
      for each of the 10 voting sites – 1 token per vote
      plus a 1 in 10 chance to get 5 bonus tokens
      and a 1 in 50 chance to get 10 bonus tokens
  • We will be adding more ways to use and win more tokens in the future.


Keep an eye on the Server Updates section of the website for updates on the progress.
Click here for the 1.13 discussion thread